Kpop Pro (“Service”) is operated by STRA Co., Ltd. (“STRA,” “us,” or “we”). The purpose of the Service is to help non-Korean K-POP fans overcome the language barrier of lyrics, understand and sing along with the songs, and experience a deeper relationship with the artists. All Romanized, Korean, and Translation lyrics within the app are provided and designed for this purpose for non-Koreans. Access and use of the Service are subject to the following Terms of Service (“Terms”). By accessing or using any part of the Service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms including any future modifications. STRA may amend, update or change these Terms of Service. Any revisions to these Terms will become effective at the end of a 7-day period or the first time you access or use the Service after such changes.

The Service allows users to access and use a variety of educational services, including learning or practicing languages through music. All lyrics data used in Kpop Pro are created by the Kpop Pro content team. The Romanized lyrics and translations are generated through an open-source Romanizer algorithm and AWS machine translation service respectively. All video lessons are based on videos submitted by instructors contracted with STRA Co., Ltd. and are considered intellectual property of STRA. Unauthorized reproduction, storage, or distribution of these materials is a violation of copyright laws.

Additionally, the Service offers an AI cover feature that allows users to record their voices and generate cover songs using AI. The recorded audio files may be used for research purposes to improve internal systems, with all data being thoroughly anonymized to prevent misuse of personal information. These data will be stored on secure servers for one year before being deleted.

Furthermore, STRA's AI lyrics feature can Romanize and translate any YouTube song requested by the user. When a user selects a song from the YouTube list, the algorithm scrapes publicly available internet lyrics texts, syncs them with the YouTube audio using AI algorithms, and provides them to the user. The copyright of each lyrics data belongs to the respective public lyrics sites. STRA has a comprehensive usage agreement with the Korea Music Copyright Association and pays copyright fees to provide this service legally.

In connection with registering for and using the Service, you agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information about you as requested by STRA; to maintain the confidentiality of your password and other information related to the security of your account; to maintain and promptly update any registration information you provide to STRA, keeping it accurate, current, and complete; and to be fully responsible for all use of your account and for any actions that take place through your account.

Eggs used for in-app purchases can be bought to access lessons within the app. Users can recharge and use these Eggs. In the event of unavoidable service termination, users can request a refund.

All lyrics data, album cover images, and YouTube music videos displayed in the lyrics are implemented using Google's official iframe API. The copyrights of all these data belong to the original authors. STRA has signed a comprehensive usage agreement with the Korea Music Copyright Association to use these data and is submitting data and paying copyright fees quarterly. All video lessons are the intellectual property of STRA, and unauthorized reproduction, storage, or distribution of these materials is a violation of copyright laws.

STRA is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. We will do our utmost to prevent the leakage of all personal information collected in the app (email information, ID, profile picture, playlists, etc. as specified in the privacy policy) and have a responsibility to protect this information.

STRA may terminate your access and use of the Service immediately at any time, for any reason, and at such time, you will have no further right to use the Service. You may terminate your STRA account at any time by following the instructions available through the Service.

For all data privacy inquiries and any questions or concerns you have about these Terms of Service, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Kim Yong Ho, at

Last revised on 22 May 2024